Sunday, April 25, 2010

the garden report #1

today i went to maclendon's &.... i'm not doing very well with the whole not buying any new plants thing.

i bought:
bleeding heart (i have been wanting one of these FOREVER, and they were on sale so i finally got one! it is going to go on the shady side of the house with the wood sorrel & the english primrose)
bee balm
white star creeper (not sure where this guy is gonna go, it looks like it is seriously going to do some creeping!)
rock cress
coral bells stormy seas
sedum refluxum cristatum (i have never seen this CRAZY sedum before. i HAD to have it!)
platt's black brass buttons
baby's tears

i/we put our 3 thyme plants & our tarragon into the ground in the herby area & i added the chives.

i dug up the potatoes that i planted wrong & planted our new organic yukon gold starts the right way.

i divided up the huge flat of sedums that i bought on vashon island and planted them here, there & everywhere.

i put the bee balm & the rock cress along the edge in the front yard where we planted the berry bushes.

i pulled all the prettiest rocks in the world that we collected our first summer here (mixed with all of our other special pretty rocks from all over) out from under the lavenders (that have filled in so much that you can't see them anymore) & i moved them under the heavenly bamboo, so now you can SEE them again!

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