Friday, April 30, 2010

edible sale!

went to the tilth edible plant sale yesterday!

what i bought:
early jalapeno
fish pepper (the description GOT me: African-American Heirloom. This gorgeous pepper features variegated foliage and bright, striped 2 -3 inch fruit ranging from cream to orange to red. Fish pepper has been grown since the 1870's in the Baltimore and Philadelphia area and was traditionally used in oyster and crab houses. This variety is considered by Slow Food USA to be an endangered member of their "Ark of Taste.")
globe artichoke (i could NOT resist. artichokes are my favorite food! it is going to have to go in a container so we can bring it inside in the winter)
purple calabash tomato
red moskvitch tomato
sungold cherry tomato
purple basil
curry plant (for the herb garden, even though it's not really for eating)
inside-out flower (another shade loving native for the shady side of the house)
bay leaf (i think this guy is going to go into a container as well)

so we are done! really! no more plants ...maybe. i was looking for a lemon verbena and they didn't have any, so if i see one i might have to have it!

we put our basil seeds in and today we are going to put our beans in. in another few weeks we will be ready to put in the cucumbers & the squash and then all of our summer crop will be in, then we just WAIT! i'm not sure we are really saving any money whatsoever in this growing our own food effort, but it sure is fun!

peppers & cherry tomatoes
(i'm feeling kind of paranoid about the cherry tomatoes in the glazed pot... probably not a good idea?)


also, i discovered yesterday that my wild strawberry plant was looking super sad. upon closer inspection i noticed that it was covered in bugs (aphids we think!) so we went and bought a container of lady bugs and let them loose on the aphids & all around the yard. i can't really tell if it's helping or doing an good yet, but those ladies are still allover the strawberry... munching away on aphids i hope!

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