Monday, July 26, 2010


we finally have tomatoes! several!!!! they are about the size of my pinky, but !!!!!!!!!!!

also the zukes are TOTALLY zukeing out, we will finally get to find out what all this squash blossom nonsense is all about. we are planning our first zucchini harvest for tuesday night, stay tuned!!

also, we saw our first cucumber blossom today, and the pepper is budded up!

the beans are starting to produce. we picked a handful the other day, and i think we will have enough for a side dish pretty soon!

i. do. not. want. to. talk. about. the. a-p-h-i-d-s right. now. i just can't.

p.s. i am not ready to go back to work tomorrow. i'd like another week in my garden please? thank you.

1 comment:

Blackbird Experience said...

I wish we had tomatoes again this year. It was great getting home from work and going to pick them for dinner that night.