Thursday, July 15, 2010

garden update - the north side

the north side is supposed to be the shady side,but it actually gets a fair amount of sun.

along the side of the house:

bleeding heart - doing well, this is right outside the guest bedroom window/my sewing room. i am hoping that over time it will fill the window.

himilayan blue popy - my mom gave me this, it bloomed and now it's done. it was REAL pretty!

violet - also from my mom, this is sometimes considered a weed, & can be invasive so i have contained it in a pot for now. it likes the shade and has pretty purple flowers. it might be nice to just let it go...

wood sorrel - i LOVE this plant, it looks alot like clover and it has pretty white flowers, it's a nw native plant & i am hoping that it spreads.

insideout plant - this is anothe native that has really cool leaves and funny inside out white flowers, it seems to be doing well, it bloomed and it has been making new leaves.

english primrose - i fell in love with these DARK purple (practically black) & bright yellow flowers, it has been flowering consistently for months now, i hope it prospers!

in the semi-rounds across from the deck:

foxgloves - i planted 2, one on either end, one is apricot & one is "pam's choice": white flowers with heavily speckled, maroon-purple throats. neither has bloomed & i'm not sure that they will this year.

piggyback plant - this is a funny little leafy green plant that has little piggy back leaves on its bigger leaves.

icelandic poppy - fun! pretty! they bloomed & now they're done, i hope they bloom again next year. (my camera freaks out whenever i try to shoot RED reds, i'm sure there's probably some setting or adjustment i can make to remedy this, but sometimes it winds up looking kind of cool!)

buplurum - these were from the original seeds i planted in all of these rounds, and either nothing came up, it got eaten by bugs, or it got alienated by weeds & i didn't know what was weed & what was flowers because everything was comingup at once. SO anyway 2 of these survived all the drama & they are AWESOME!

next to the deck

wandering jew(s) - i have 2. one is a funny fuzzy one that likes the shade & can live outside, i planted them in some containers that they can spill (wander) out of. the other my mom gave me a few days ago & i just put it in the ground.

sweet woodruff - i planted 2 of these. they have cool leaves & pretty white flowers. something has been eating holes in the leaves, but it doesn't seem to be bothering it...

yellowgreen stuff - i lost the identifier for this one. i don't remember if it's a sedum or some kind of a creeping jenny, but its a yellow green color & it's cool as hell and it seems to to be happy.

japanese skimmia - the first summer we lived here i pulled these 2 bushes out of the spot by my studio door (so i could plant some lavender) and we threw them in the ground by the deck, they have recovered & prospered in their new location.

whisteria - when we moved in there were 2 of these, massive & ill cared for, we decided to kill one and keep one (jak wanted to kill them both). the one we kept grows like crazy every year, but we just hadn't figured out what we to train it onto yet, so we just keep cutting it back. we have finally decided what direction we want it to go and it's going there, we will see what happens!

stay tuned for: what you really want to know about (right?!) the kitchen garden... up next!


Mary said...

:D loving this. makes me feel closer to you.

P.S. we have poppies growing too... but have no idea where they've come from! xx

rae said...

xoxoxox! i wish you were here for to be having of the fun whiles i have all this time off :(