Wednesday, April 21, 2010

sprouts are SPROUTING!

yes indeedy. the sprouts are getting BIG and new sprouts are coming up here & there. the sorrel, chard & arugula are coming up & i can see the red freckles on our "flashy trout's back" lettuce sprouts :)

i am very sad to report that one of the peony buds has mysteriously disappeared. could a bird have eaten it? would they do a thing like that ?! there are still 2... i guess that will have to do.

i went to a plant store on vashon island over the weekend, i bought a big pallet of mixed sedums and a pretty little purple alyysum.

ALSO! the blueberries & huckleberries arrived!! i am very excited about getting them into the ground and getting that strip of the yard looking nice finally.

i went to the new elliott bay book co. location (LOVE! it's not the same, but it is GOOD) and i couldn't resist buying a copy of organic garden design school.

i am hoping for a nice sunny weekend to get some work done in the yard!

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