Thursday, December 18, 2008


it's really really snowing dude! it hardly never snows here & when it does snow it rarely sticks. it snowed pretty significantly on saturday, but by monday it was clear enough to get around. in the middle of the night last night it started dumping snow, and there are still big poofy white flakes falling as i type. for me, the snow means that i get to work from home today, which feels extra thrilling, like a gift. it is super cozy here at home. we made steel cut oats for breakfast and slurped roasted red pepper & tomato soup with soggy crunchy crackers for lunch. YUM!

UPDATE: color me disenchanted. today was supposed to be a "special" day, built around the fact that i had to go to traffic court to mitigate the speeding ticket i got on halloween. since i was going to have to take the bus downtown anyway, i figured court would take a couple hours and THEN, since i was downtown anyway & it's the wintery holiday season all twinkly & decorated, i was going to do some window shopping, and treat myself to lunch ( & maybe dessert), and get my library card at the schmancy new rem koolhaas library, and then top it all off with a massage. i was REALY looking forward to it, but it snowed so hard that court was closed & i the busses are all whack & odds are many of the other things i wanted to do would also be closed. so now i am stuck home... pouting... with cabin fever.

UPDATED UPDATE: ok now SRSLY, enough already with the fracking snow.. is this the end of the world?

1 comment:

Blackbird Experience said...

I've dreamed of a white christmas... complete with no hassles... xx