Saturday, January 27, 2007

HOW amusing

so last sumer i went to the how conference in vegas. one of the things that i participated in while i was there was the professional portfolio review. the portfolio review was open to the public, and gave you the opportunity to get feedback on your portfolio from a specified professional, as well as show it to lots of fellow conference goers. this was almost the highlight of my whole trip, because everyone was really complimentary, and i got a lead on a potential job back here in philly.

i bring this all up because: earlier this week i received the how conference '07 catalog in the mail, and while i was flipping through to see who the speakers were going to be this year... something familiar caught my eye:

HEY, that's me! in the pink/orange sweater. it was not so much me that i noticed as it was my carousel book sitting on the table

kinda funny, eh?


Blackbird Experience said...

It's not so much you OR your carousel book that I noticed, but that geeky tattooed man looking at you longingly. Eeeek!!

But seriously, that's pretty funny! You look happy. :)

rae said...

um, yeah. creepy leering dude. you are too funny.